What to Expect?
We work with your dog and you in our training facility, assess your goals, implement a training plan to help you meet those goals, and guide you through the training process with follow-up support.
We have training programs tailored to meet every budget and required level of training, including (but not limited to):
Puppy Training
Manners & Obedience
Aggression & Reactivity
Leash Training
Curbing Problem Behaviors Like Jumping & Barking
Fearful/Shy Dogs
Separation Anxiety
Whether you’re looking for help with obedience and manners, therapy dog training, or more complex behavior issues, we’re here to help.
Every training program includes:
Goal Setting
How do you know what path to take if you don’t know where you’re going?
Setting goals helps training plans by giving them a beginning, a middle and an end. What does the end behaviour look like? And is that specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? We’ll talk about all of this in your initial session.
A Management Plan
An easy management plan, that works for you and your dog, is the first step to correcting unwanted behaviour. Whether we’re talking about peeing in the house, or barking and lunging at other dogs, management is a necessary component of your training plan.
Homework Handouts
A digital library of handouts, articles, and video links provide the resources you need for success at home following your training.
Private Training Options
Using Positive Reinforcement Training to shape our dogs lives.